Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pentecostal Beliefs

Pentecostal Beliefs

Pentecostal Faith

Pentecostal Beliefs

Pentecostal Beliefs

Pentecostal Beliefs

Pentecostal Beliefs

Pentecostal Beliefs

Pentecostal beliefs differ from one Pentecostal church to the next, since there is not one single central organization which directs the churches identifying themselves with Pentecostalism.

For instance, some churches identifying themselves with Pentecostalism are Nontrinitarian, while others are Trinitarian - that is, that God is a Trinity or Triune God, existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one Godhead.

Still, there are a few core set of beliefs which distinguish the Pentecostal faith from other Christian denominations, so let me spell those out.

Beliefs Most Pentecostals Share

Celebration of the Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the followers of Jesus Christ, in the days after his martyrdom. (Depicted in the second chapter of Acts)
Personal Experience of God through connection (Baptism) in the Holy Spirit.
Evocation of the Teachings, Spiritual Power and Worship Styles of the early Christian church.
"Charismatic" signs of faith, such as Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Prophecy, Faith Heling, and DiscernMent of Spirits.

Therefore, Pentecostal beliefs revolve around the idea that the Holy Spirit is just as involved in the lives of today's Christians as it was in the lives of Jesus' followers.

While this might be implied in Catholicism and the older Protestant churches, many traditional Christians tend to shy away from the idea that miracles are happening around them every single day, or the idea that glossalalia (speaking in tongues) is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit working through people of faith. In Pentecostalism, the idea of Biblical miracles in the modern world is made explicit.

Pentecostal Beliefs

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Musketeer Approach

The Musketeer Approach

Stories of intrigue, treachery, politics, lies, double crosses, and power struggles fill the history books, much like they fill today's headlines. In the world of the 17th century musketeer, life depended on who you could trust. In the world of the 21st century employee, one's livelihood may.

The Musketeer Approach

The Musketeer Approach

The Musketeer Approach

The Musketeer Approach

The Musketeer Approach

I'm not naïve to corporate politics, competition, or saboTAGe in the workplace. I've held my own in corporations where silos, turf wars and power brokers delivered indigestion, sleepless nights, and distrusting cultures. But I still don't get it. When people are more focused on what's happening in the cube next to them than on achieving corporate goals, everyone loses. When corporate politics fill emails with mixed direction stalling productivity, everyone loses. And when discretionary effort and new ideas are swallowed in pits of bureaucracy, guess what? Everyone loses. The way I see it, if the company fails, we all fail.

So, I believe the Three Musketeers got it right: "All for one and one for all!" Each understood his fate as an individual was tied to their fate as a group. Trusting each other was unambiguous. One was in trouble, they all were in trouble. One needed help, they all provided help. One succeeded, they all succeeded. The fiction of Alexandre Dumas, set in the 17th century, seems a good prescription for the 21st century workplace.

I know it's worked for me. Arriving at a new Job, I discovered the boss who hired me was away, and no one expecting me. I found no office, no desk, and no information. The person I was hired to replace was in my Job, and had no idea I was replacing her. Each week got worse. Information and requests flowed like water through a clogged pipe. I was out of the loop on important issues and viewed like the enemy. Turning to my boss for guidance was like stepping into a sink hole, as I discovered his credibility and the departMent's lacking.

I realized if I was to survive, I had to find, win over, and/or develop a handful of people I could trust. It took a difficult year, but the payoff lasted an enTire career. Gradually the group of trusted colleagues grew. We never thought of ourselves as musketeers, but by our actions, we became them. Unspoken rules of ethics and integrity prevailed. We looked beyond individual interests. We shared ideas, collaborated on projects, borrowed resources, and worked together easily and enthusiastically. We wanted the best for each other and the best for the company, each of us worrying about more than our own five acres.

Unspoken commitMents prevailed. If I was in trouble or asked for help, help was given. I was called upon to step up and provide help too. We all knew our musketeer roles required reciprocity. The bottom line was that helping each other succeed, helped each of us succeed. I don't know where I'd be today without the musketeer approach. My advice? Become a musketeer!

(c) 2004 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved.

The Musketeer Approach

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Team Work-A Challenge of Character

Team Work-A Challenge of Character

Over the years there has been much ado about team work, the value of teams, the ups and downs, the pros and the cons! Some appear to work and others fail, why? Can your business benefit from a team work approach or not?

Team Work-A Challenge of Character

Team Work-A Challenge of Character

Team Work-A Challenge of Character

Team Work-A Challenge of Character

Team Work-A Challenge of Character

As people we are complex beings ' It never ceases to amaze me how we often gravitate to negative ways of thinking about others when we ourselves (if we are honest) have just as many flaws and faults. We often find ourselves thinking about the glass half empty instead of the glass half full. Life and business can be a very positive experience.

Having been in the workforce for over 25 years have given me the opportunity to observe trends and over time see what works and what doesn't, and however more importantly why?

From junior clerk to CEO andPresident of businesses it is my opinion that there is nothing new under the sun.

Re-badged ideas and principals have been operating for centuries. From armies to seminaries we can observe and learn that humankind has arranged itself in team structures, some successful, some failures.

Take William Wallace, the plucky Scotsman who organised teams (bandits) against the English oppression.

From good to evil nations and people have banded together and achieved more than they could have alone. This is the key, that alone and as individuals we can achieve, however together we can achieve exponentially if we will pay the price of patience and time.

Good teams take time and patience to build!

Over the years the practice of teams in business has often come and gone.It is my observation that over the last 10 years there has been a profound shift in the fundaMental way teams operate in that those that are successful appear to be made up of people who have developed a high level of trust in each other and have had a heart transformation in that they strive to live authentically, have a high level of self control and common sense.

We appear by nature to be suspicious and untrusting as individuals and this does not lend itself towards team building. The good news is that we can change!

What makes a good team?
A good team is one where team members are allowed a great deal of autonomy. This is usually given as teams testing their trust to manageMent by succeeding in small tasks and are subsequently and progressively delegated moreresponsibility.

Have you ever noticed that the clock seems to go Faster when working cooperatively with other people? Have you ever noticed the creativity and learning that takes place between team members? The off-setting multi-skilling is fantastic for your business.

What causes a team to fail?
As the 3 musketeers once said ' one for all and all for one '
When individuals come together to operate as a team it is critical that they have the hands-on support of management. Individuals need to learn to put aside differences and develop trust and believe that they will be rewarded as a team and individuals. Teams are not only about the team but about your employee's individual's contribution to the team-a fact overlooked to your peril.

Tips forManagement

Change is painful for you and your employees.

You may want instant results! This is unlikely to occur and remain sustainable.

You cannot give lip-service to team concepts and demonstrate by your behaviour the opposite.

Over time a team will prove its worth to your business if your persevere with patience and support. You reap what you sow.

Communicate, communicate, and communicate!

Be participative with your employees. The sad truth is that some managers and business owners put more effort into their motor vehicle than their employees.

You cannot hide behind indifference and position and expect your team to produce. You must live authentically. This is sometimes called ' risky living '.

Tips for Employees
Being part of a team isa fantastic opportunity to develop and grow personally and professionally.

If you are placed into a team be realistic and understand that change is painful for you and your other colleagues as well.

Understand your team will have its positives and negatives-be realistic.

Sometimes you may feel undervalued as a team member or be concerned that someone else on the team is being rewarded when you feel you should be. Understand that management is usually aware of what is happening. Behind the scenes management are making changes and these changes are not always in your timeframe. You don't have the full picture.

If you feel you need to say something do so respectfully. Don't put your manager into a corner forcing them to make a decision. Be patient?

Understandthat one of the greatest challenges facing business today is to get employees ' good '. Your manager is well aware that he/she needs to keep you.

How to develop a team in your business
Building good solid relationships anywhere takes time and effort. You must be patient!

Ask yourself the question-can my business benefit from team structures?

Do your homework and understand the cost in time and money it will take to get the desired outcomes your business is looking for. Patience and commitment is the key.

Do not lose your nerve. Take advice when you need it.

Communicate to employees-communication is the glue that holds teams and relationships together. It is reliably reported that up to 85% of divorce can be traced back to a lack of communication aboutmoney! Take your employees with you; explain to them the benefits; flexible working hours, team bonus for agreed outcomes, rewards from higher productivity, Job certainty, and prestige.

Relationships-relationships are a critical strategic structure within society and any business. Good relationships can grow your business while bad relationships tear it down. You cannot escape from this principal.

Structure-ensure structures are in place for teams to grow.

Time-it takes time to build a good team but the rewards can be outstanding for the business and employees.

Having worked in teams and put them together I can recommend a team structure where both the business and individuals are committed to the team and demonstrate this by their behaviour.

Remember,your life and conduct are like a book-people, family and friends read you and see what is, not what you think is!

If you demonstrate patience and put time into developing a team environment built on trust, you will succeed. Your business will increase its profits, your employee turnover will go down and your business will be admired.

The choice is yours.

To help your business grow with other quality articles please visit

Team Work-A Challenge of Character

Monday, June 18, 2012

Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls-The Enchanting Range For Christmas

Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls-The Enchanting Range For Christmas

The Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls are this year's big hit when it comes to enchanting fAirytale themed Dolls. As with all of the Barbie range available, these dolls come with fantastic fabric costumes, synthetic hAir and great accessories. Based on the popular Barbie and the three musketeers animated movie, these dolls and play sets have been a massive hit with fans of the dolls, and one of the best selling toy ranges for Christmas.

Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls-The Enchanting Range For Christmas

Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls-The Enchanting Range For Christmas

Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls-The Enchanting Range For Christmas

Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls-The Enchanting Range For Christmas

Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls-The Enchanting Range For Christmas

The range includes dolls of the following characters: Viveca, Aramina, Renee, Corinne, Prince Ken, and even a soft plush Miette kitten toy. The range also features a selection of great play sets that perfectly compliMent the dolls, such as the Barbie and the Three Musketeers Castle play set,which is a multi-level castle set that would make an ideal main gift for a young girl this year. There's also a Barbie and the Three Musketeers Balloon Carriage set available that comes with an exclusive version of the Corinne doll.

With their enchanting designs and outfits, this particular set of dolls is a more traditional idea for Christmas gifts for girls. Barbie dolls have long been a fixture of the toy scene, and these in particular have captured the imaginations of girls around the world this year.

Barbie and the Three Musketeers Dolls-The Enchanting Range For Christmas

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Life Is Sweet-Candy Bar Storyboards

Life Is Sweet-Candy Bar Storyboards

Warms the heart Candy now as well as delights the taste buds. Clever people have discovered a way to tell one's life history through the use of candy. The story is displayed on large poster boards where candy bars or other treats such as gum or peanuts are glued onto the board to replace words. The story is then read out loud at a Party to celebrate the event. These sweet stories are most often used at milestones such as a 40th or 50th birthday but can also be used to celebrate anniversaries, promotions, or to reTireMent. The only limit is one's imagination!

Life Is Sweet-Candy Bar Storyboards

Life Is Sweet-Candy Bar Storyboards

Life Is Sweet-Candy Bar Storyboards

Life Is Sweet-Candy Bar Storyboards

Life Is Sweet-Candy Bar Storyboards

To illustrate, here is an example of an anniversary tale told with the candy story board. Where the word is organized, the treat would be glued to replace the written word. Poetic license is taken with both grammarand the facts in order to use as many pieces of candy as possible. To illustrate, this story board was written for the silver anniversary of Hank and Kathy Thomas.

....Kathy Holton moved from Indiana to California looking for her CUP OF GOLD in the golden state. She moved to the RED HOT city of SacraMento where she went to work for the phone company. Although Kathy would never earn 100 GRAND, she did survive PAYDAY to PAYDAY.

After years of dating NERDS and GOOBERS with ZERO appeal Kathy found a BIT-O-HONEY when she met Henry (Hank) Thomas.

Hank knew that he could SKOR some points with Kathy by sending her a huge bouquet of roses to her office. "OH HENRY!" Kathy has exclaimed. You BIG HUNK, you are the Mr. GOODBAR that I have been looking for! " "ABBA ZABBA" thought Hankas he kissed her CHERRY lips BIG. "Marry me, KITKAT and our lives will be MOUNDS of ALMOND JOY. I'll be your SUGAR DADDY and we will have lots of SUGAR BABIES. "

Life was GOOD & PLENTY for the Thomas family. As the years went by, the family grew with the addition of the 3 MUSKETEERS, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The boys had STARBURSTS of energy and loved to play sports. Matthew played baseball but because he had BUTTERFINGERS and often dropped the ball, he switched to soccer where he could SKOR more goals.

ONE that parenthood is a WHOPPER of a Job. But NOW AND LATER you can enjoy a quiet CAREFREE life, still SWEETTARTS, holding hands with lots of KISSES while gazing out at the MILKY WAY. Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary ...

Becauseeach life is unique, each Candy story board is different. The key to a unique sweet story is finding a variety of candies to use. Go beyond the typical choice of candy available in most stores and seek out candy stores or serendipity shops that have unusual or nostalgic candies. Of course, the internet can be a terrific resource for this.

Try it! Your own sweet saga will be the highlight of the event.

Life Is Sweet-Candy Bar Storyboards

Friday, March 2, 2012

Creative, Quick And Easy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas

Creative, Quick And Easy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas

Creative Halloween Costume Ideas

Creative, Quick And Easy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas

Creative, Quick And Easy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas

Creative, Quick And Easy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas

Creative, Quick And Easy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas

Creative, Quick And Easy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas

Each year you are given the opportunity to show your creativity with your Halloween costume ideas. The possibilities are nearly limitless once your creative juices start to flow. Creative Halloween costume ideas can be grouped into several sub categories. This article includes a few suggestions to help you get your creative juices flowing.

Halloween Costume Ideas On a Budget

When you are decorating yourself or your kids for the holiday and you don't want to break the bank, start with what you have in the house. Gypsy costume can be made simply by layering all of the necklaces you own and layering several skirts or putting scarves on as skirts as well as putting on a bit of make-up. Ghosts can be made of a sheet or pillowcase anda pAir of scissors. Clown costumes are easily made of a sweat outfit and make-up. A multi-colored wig is fAirly inexpensive. Dressing up like a bum is always fun too. Jeans, old t-shirts, torn jacket or flannel shirt, and a handkerchief tied to a stick (carrying your candy stash of course) to help you pull off this look. A bit of grime or stubble can be painted onto the face and this costume is complete.

Unique Halloween Costume Ideas

There are so many different ways to Dress up for Halloween. If you put your mind to it there are many things you have around the house that can make up a unique costume. You can dress up as a head on a platter by putting a table Cloth on card board and gluing paper picnic settings to it then put it on so that it goes around your neck and you canonly see your head sticking out of the center. This takes very little work but the reactions you get will be amazing.
There are many other ideas but the most unique often happen when you really put your mind to work seeking the rare.

Sexy Halloween Costume Ideas

Dressing up like a French maid or a playboy bunny is always fun. Some of the best sexy Halloween costume ideas start with a favorite movie star. If you can think of someone you like to Watch on the big screen you can dress like a character they play in your favorite movie. Dressing up like Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie or George Clooney can be fun and make you feel sexy and perhaps even a bit playful at your Halloween Party.

Couples Costume ideas

When you and a friend or your significant other go to aParty as a couple it can be fun to dress up like your favorite duo. These can be male/female couples or others like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid can be fun. An angel and the Devil together is always a way to make a stateMent. Newly weds going as a bride and groom don't always go over as well as you would think. Stick with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell or other characters who are usually together.

Group costume ideas

Groups of friends dressing up as the Three (or more) Musketeers, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends, groups of Zombies, and your favorite rock band lets others at the party know you are together. Groups of witches and wizards from specific houses at Hogwarts are fun too, especially if you can get cousins together and each family dress up in costumesfrom a different house. Group costumes can be fun to think up and design together.

Whatever costumes you choose have fun coming up with your Halloween costume ideas. Let your hair down and see how creative you can be. If you already have your costume ideas for this year it isn't too late to start thinking up ways to win the costume contest next year.

Creative, Quick And Easy Adult Halloween Costume Ideas

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why People Ignore Advice and What You Can Do About It - The Power of Ask, Don't Tell

Why People Ignore Advice and What You Can Do About It - The Power of Ask, Don't Tell

One of my favorite moMents in Alexandre Dumas's Three Musketeers is when Athos essentially responds to D'ArTAGnan's request for advice with, "I make it a policy to never give advice unless someone asks for it at least three times. Even then, I have found that they seldom truly want it, or heed it." Such good advice to those who love to give advice...

Why People Ignore Advice and What You Can Do About It - The Power of Ask, Don't Tell

Why People Ignore Advice and What You Can Do About It - The Power of Ask, Don't Tell

Why People Ignore Advice and What You Can Do About It - The Power of Ask, Don't Tell

Why People Ignore Advice and What You Can Do About It - The Power of Ask, Don't Tell

Why People Ignore Advice and What You Can Do About It - The Power of Ask, Don't Tell

Here is what A River Worth Riding: Fourteen Rules for Navigating Life advises about offering advice:

"Stop telling people what they already know. People always tell smokers why they should stop smoking. People always tell dieters why they should eat healthier. People always tell lawbreakers why they should stop breaking the law. Well, dieters, smokers and lawbreakers usually know the consequences of doing what they do, so do you really think that telling them what they already know will make any difference? Before you start telling people what you know, you should try asking them what they know. You'd be amazed at how often the people you'd like to advise actually know more about their situations than you do."

If you want people to listen your wisdom, you should learn to "always ask and seldom tell."

In other words, don't tell smokers that they need to quit smoking. Ask them why they smoke. Ask them if they have tried to stop smoking. Ask them why stopping is so hard. Ask them if they want to try stopping again. Once you've proven that you understand their addiction, they might ask for your advice. But you should only give them your advice if you can honestly give them a better option than the many they have tried before.

In other words, don't tell dieters that they need to eat healthier. Ask them why they eat what they do. Ask them if they have tried eating healthier. Ask them why eating healthier is so hard. Ask them if they want to try eating healthier again. Once you've proven that you understand their struggles, they might ask for your advice. But you should not give them advice unless you can give them a better option than the hundreds they have already tried.

In other words, don't tell the masses that they need to stop committing crimes. Ask individuals why they commit crimes. Ask them if they have tried to live honestly. Ask them why they find living honestly so hard. Ask them if they want to try making a living honestly. Once you've proven that you understand their perspective, they might ask for your advice. However, you should only give them your advice if you are willing to help them to find a better living than the one they already have.

Offering advice, when advice has not been specifically asked for, creates frustration and animosity between people. The dreaded phrase, "Well, if I were you, I would..." will more likely cause eyes to roll than hearts to open. However, once you learn to ask questions that promote understanding, you'll find that people tend to open up to you words...

Why People Ignore Advice and What You Can Do About It - The Power of Ask, Don't Tell